Caroline Selman

Caroline lives in Woodberry Down with her husband and one year old.  She has represented the area as a Councillor since 2014.  

In her day job she works for an access to justice charity with a particular focus on welfare rights.  
She co-sponsored the Hackney Young Futures Commission and believes strongly in ensuring that all residents, young, old and in between, are able to shape and influence the decisions that affect their lives.  She values working closely with residents including through Woodberry Down Community Organisation and TRAs to maximise social and affordable housing in the ward, defend private renters’ rights and to tackle issues of repair and investment in existing Hackney Council homes.  She runs regular Councillor advice surgeries to support residents to access the support and services they deserve.  She is committed to taking action to address the climate emergency and to protect and enhance our local green and blue spaces including the New River and reservoirs.  

She is a Trustee of Manor House Development Trust, the social enterprise that runs the Redmond Community Centre.  She has previously volunteered at Hackney Winter Night Shelter, in a number of pro bono roles and as a school governor.  

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