Michael Desmond

Michael Desmond is Speaker (civic Mayor) of Hackney and the second longest-serving member of the Council. He was the founder of a community festival when he was a teenager, which led to his political activism and started Airedale tv, which produces comedy sketches. He has lived in Clapton since 1986, returning to a Borough where his parents grew up and ancestors going back to 1857!

He Chairs Society Syndrome, a think tank that promotes transparency in Government and initiated Clean Up Clapton, which promotes cleanliness and safety in the community.

He’s a Governor of BSix College and arranges a Have Your Say event each year, during which students have a chance to question community leaders and express their views on contemporary issues.

He has stood for Parliament twice as Labour candidate in Faversham and Mid Kent (2015 & 2017), the latter time coming a strong second with more than 26% of the vote

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